Legal Tech Resources

The legal tech world changes rapidly. I can be a full time job, keeping fully abreast of these changes!

To make it a little easier, here are few resources I recommend checking in on from time to time:

  1. State Bar of Texas Computer and Technology Section
  2. ABA Journal
  3. iPhone J.D.
  4. State Bar of Texas Podcast

Note: I recommend a few books that argue against the increasing reliance we have on mobile devices and online accounts. There’s no fully escaping this creep, but balance is key. 

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  2. Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier
  3. How to Break Up with Your iPhone by Catherine Price
  4. Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
  5. The Shallows by Nicholas Carr 
  6. Stolen Focus by Johann Hari